
Spanish Culture

1. Complete the following activities before taking the quiz at the end of the list.
  1. Introduction to Spanish Countries --- See where these
                                                                countries are located

  2. Learn the countries and practice identifying their locations here. After studying the maps, click on "Country Quiz" and practice!
    **Learn the population estimation for each country HERE!**

    *** Read this article and answer the questions about Hispanic Populations in the States.

  3. You may choose to play this game (Juego) - South America Puzzle
    OR (Juego) map games - [choose America then choose either South or Central America.]
  4. Practice for your quiz here - see how fast you can complete the quizlet with earning 100%
  5. Log in to Quia and take your quiz here.  (Your bonus for your MAP visa stamp is to pass this test with at least an 80%; however, you may take it more than once and still earn the bonus.)
Literacy Standard:
                   RH.6-8.7 - reading maps and visual information



2. Cultural P roject - 3rd quarter = we'll do this together as we study Mexico! :)http://www.visitmexico.com/en/entertainment-in-mexico



Research one (1) Spanish speaking country from #1 above that you believe would be an ideal place to visit


Write one question regarding your vacation destination before you begin researching. Write it on top of your T-Chart.


Research your country of choice, find at least three informative websites for this country, and list these URLs on your T-Chart.


Complete the T-Chart with both facts and opinions about your
 chosen vacation destination.



Find and cite a vacation promotion website about your country and explain in a 5-7 sentence paragraph why you think the  author included certain information and avoided others. (This may or  may not be one of your sites from #3 above. Was the author's technique effective, believable? Don't forget a topic and concluding sentence in your paragraph.


Write an answer to your question from #2 above.


Literacy Standards:


RH.6-8.6 (purpose of language/avoidance of facts)
RH.6-8.8 (fact vs. opinion)
WHST.6-8.2 (write informational text)
WHST.6-8.7 (Research - including a self generated question)